Friday, November 28, 2014

A man of humanity

If one claims that he is a man of humanity, then he must be open to possibilities of being a man of humanity. He must know the qualities of being a man in order to call himself a fully humane person. Now, what are these qualities of being a man that could determine him as a man of humanity?

First, a man is to love man. There are two types of relationships in which a man is to satisfy in order to show his love. One is the relationship of a parent and a child. In this kind of relationship, the child will know how to love if his parents was able to show it to him. His attitude outside of the house is a reflection of what was being shown to him inside their house. If the child learns to reciprocate the love of his parents, then he has passed the first type of relationship in showing his love. Now, if the child learns how to love his parents, then it would be easy for him to build the second type of relationship. The other relationship is of a husband and a wife. This type of relationship is used to represent the idea of equality among men. That a man is equal to the other. Since a man grew with love, then the man is sincere and honest in offering himself towards another man. The idea of sincerity and honesty are the products of love.

Second, a man is to show goodness. It was in Analects 6:17 that tells a man is born good. When a man is born, he is innocent and of no bad intention. If a man grows with evil, it is because he failed to see the goodness in the world. He may grew up seeing evil because he was raised to practice seeing evil and that he became ignorant to this goodness that he was intended to do. In order for man to realize his being born with goodness, Confucius said that the man must be cured through educating him. It is through education that he learns to awaken the goodness in him making him see and so act this goodness. The teaching however will only be effective if the man himself is willing to learn to see good and therefore act with goodness.

Last aspect of being man of humanity is being with the whole humanity. This is to say that he must live and be at peace with humanity. It is through his living with and for others that he will know what it is to be fully a humane person. Since the man is living with and for humanity, humane person must be willing to listen and understand the possibilities that the others are saying. He must let others speak. Also, since he is living with and for humanity, then he must learn to trust them. Trusting them is a way of showing that the man is at peace with them and that his intentions are pure.

In order for a man to be called a man of humanity, he must know the qualities of being a humane person which are a man is to love man, a man is to show goodness, and a man is to live with and for humanity. Knowing these doesn't just end there but through putting them into action, calling the self as a man of humanity may be possible.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Synthesis Paper 1.B

What is Philosophy as demonstrated in Ancient Chinese Philosophy by Confucius in the way he lays down the assumptions of the solution to the philosophical problem?

In the last paper, the problems that Confucius' assumed was the social disorder which was rooted in the incorrect usage of names. Last week, the discussion was about Confucius' solutions to the problem.

Based on the discussion, I can say that Confucius' Philosophy was living in accordance to the moral law. The exercising of this moral law must be done with the help of the society because the moral laws are ways in which creates peace and harmony within the society. Expression of these moral laws are first, being focused on the Way in which man is intended to go. Second, since the ways of man is not through isolation, then man must be journeying the Way with others. Third, since man is with other people, then man must be vigilant to causes in which will lead him or the others away from the Way. Fourth, when man is with others, he should know that he is equal to the other men. He should give equal opportunities to the other man because they are basically of the same essence. Since man is dependent to society, in a sense, and society is dependent on him, therefore man should know how to respect and value the other which is the last expression of the moral law. He should learn to enrich himself in way that he is not violating anything from the other which is one of the moral principles of Confucius.

Confucius Philosophy is basically creating harmony with the society through living the moral principles. The moral law serves as a guide in which man is taught to live in a way that he would be of great help in building and preserving the society as one team towards journeying the Way in which they should all be going.

Analects 15:23

Tzu-kung asked, “Is there one word which can serve as the guiding principle for conduct throughout life?”  Confucius said, “It is the word altruism (shu).  Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.”  [Analects 15:23]

Today, I would like to interpret this particular Analect from the topic "Shu as an Expression of Jen".

This particular Analect teaches us not to be greedy. It can be known through Confucius' statement saying that altruism is the guiding principle throughout which I understood as the lack of selfishness. A superior man cultivates himself so as to cultivate others. This man shares to everyone whatever he have learned that led him to be greater and not just to keep it for himself. If a man shares, something good would also come back to him equal or greater than what he have shared. If a man is selfish, then it would also be the thing or expression that will go back to him thus the saying, " Do not do unto others what you do not want them to do unto you". Meaning if a person wanted people to treat him kindly, then he should treat them kindly too if he treats them harshly, then they would treat him harshly too. Whatever you do will always go back to you.

Altruism is an expression of humanity because being unselfish or being generous proves that a man is open for another learning lesson, that he acknowledges his being as someone who is not perfect and will not be perfect but he could only be someone greater than the other human beings not by the power offered by the physical world but of a higher form of world. If he is open then, he shares with everyone and everyone will share to him thus in this way he learns and made elevates himself from a good to a greater person.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Analects 12:1

Yen Yüan asked about humanity.  Confucius said, “To master oneself and return to propriety is humanity.  If a man (the ruler) can for one day master himself and return to propriety, all under heaven will return to humanity.  To practice humanity depends on oneself.  Does it depend on others?”  Yen Yüan said, “May I ask for the detailed items?”  Confucius said, “Do not look at what is contrary to propriety, do not listen to what is contrary to propriety, do not speak what is contrary to propriety, and do not make any movement which is contrary to propriety.”  Yen Yüan said, “Although I am not intelligent, may I put your saying into practice.”  [Analects 12:1]

The last statement "Although I am not intelligent, may I put your saying into practice" is Confucius challenge to all of us. In the Analect, he stated, as a whole, that practicing the virtue of being a person for others is humanity. This humanity, however, is not influenced by other people. It is a self choice but the effect is for the whole. To be humane, he said, is to know oneself and act according to what is socially and morally correct. To know how to be socially correct is not through the influences of the society but through moral practices. To be humane, he said, that one must not think and do whatever thing is contrary to what is socially and morally correct. It points out that one must not be tempted to the worldly offers.

Confucius challenge does not require for a person to be intelligent to the extent that he/she weighs down every possibility that leads him/her to lose the thought of the teaching. It requires a person to know him/herself and be certain to what his/her goals are. In this way, he/she lives a kind of life that is beneficial to him/her and the persons around, between or outside his life (guided by the moral principles of course). When the goal is set, nothing or no one can lead him/her astray.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Analects 1:4

Tzeng-Tzu said,  “Every day I examine myself on three points:  whether in counseling others I have not been loyal; whether in intercourse with my friends I have not been faithful; and whether I have not repeated again and again and practiced the instructions of my teacher.”  [Analects 1:4]

In this Analects, Confucius is trying to remind us about what we have learned through him or through his teachings. He wanted us to evaluate ourselves if what we have learned just stayed in our minds or if we have applied it in our lives.

The application of teachings was said to be measured first, through retelling what we have learned through discussions or sharings. Second, through interpreting the teachings with real life or hypothetical situations. Lastly, it can be measured through incorporating the teachings and our own lives. Through this, it can be seen whether the teachings were really learned and absorbed by our hearts and not just our minds. Confucius wanted to remind us that the teachings are called teachings because they ought to correct our wrong doings. These are not just for the enrichment of the mind but of the whole being. They are reminders to what we should do. Therefore, the teachings should be applied in order to see if we were being loyal, faithful and dutiful to what we believe in. Beliefs are to be lived. "Ayaw lang pirmi ka tarog sa mga sinultian apan himui og lihok aron makita na ikaw tinud-anay na natarog"

Monday, November 24, 2014

Doctrine of the Mean 15

The Way of the superior man may be compared to traveling to a distant place:  one must start from the nearest point.  It may be compared to ascending a height:  one must start from below.  The Book of Odes says, “Happy union with wife and children is like the music of lutes and harps.  When brothers live in concord and peace, the harmony is sweet and delightful.  Let your family live in concord, and enjoy your wife and children.”  Confucius said, “How happy will parents be!”  [Doctrine of the Mean 15]

Today, I decided to discuss the insight I  gained from this text.

In the first line, it can be noticed that even the superior man is not rushing himself towards finding the Way. He is taking little steps for him to earn something better. As what the 3rd step of dieting would always say, no shortcuts. The superior man has started at the first point and followed the next, he did not immediately jumped to the 5th point. His journey in finding the truth is taken step by step and is tagged along with patience for him to succeed and attain his goal.

In the next line, it is saying that the whole society, illustrated by the family, should live in harmony. They should be eyeing for one goal. If the society will be united, then all things would be done smoothly.

As a conclusion, the Doctrine of Mean 15 is trying to say that the Way of the superior man is not easy. The superior man is trying to unfold the truth little by little. The Way in which he is living started from the bottom until he moves up. What he has known today was a product of all the hard works he put into it. One quality of a superior man depicted from this statement is that he is not selfish. What he may have known is his tool for bridging the different kinds of people for one goal. He wanted to share all his knowledge to all of them for them to become one and together, they would journey towards finding the truth. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Analects 2:7

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I pondered upon Analect 2:7 which is part of the next discussion.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

Tzu-yu asked about filial piety.  Confucius said, “Filial piety nowadays means to be able to support one’s parents.  But we support even dogs and horses.  If there is no feeling of reverence, wherein lies the difference?”

In the given text, Confucius' main point is that the filial piety means supporting the parents. This support is a means of serving them. The devoutedness of the son in serving his parents is not like how he serves his pets which is done because he needs them but he serves his parents because they are the ones who raised him and by supporting them, it means that he respects them as his parents. The support that the son is to give to his parents must be because he wants to serve them and not because he needs something. The service that he will be giving is a form of thanking them and a form of recognition to the deeds they have done.

One of the ideas that Confucius was teaching is that man must live in accordance to the moral principles. One of these is that one must serve his parents. Confucius believes that following and living the moral principles is a way in which one will become a perfect person rightful in rendering service to the society.

This is one of the simple analogy in which Confucius used to try to explain how ones devoutedness to the society must be. That a person wanted to serve the society because he wanted to and not because he was asked and forced to do. The service must also be out of respect because he saw and knew that the society was superior to him. Filial piety then means to support or serve the ones superior to a person.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Synthesis Paper 1.A

What is Philosophy as demonstrated in Ancient Chinese Philosophy by Confucius in the way he perceives the philosophical problem?

Before I discuss my view about Confucius' Philosophy, I will first discuss some terms. First, I understand the word Philosophy as a way of life in which it exercises the intellectual and spiritual aspect of a human being. Second, the philosophical problem that was meant here is the problem of social disorder which is rooted from incorrect use of names.

Confucius stated that the social disorder started from the government down to economic and religious aspect. In the discussion, it was mentioned that the insensitivity of the people to recognize the problem in their society was due to the incorrect use of names and beings which led them to be easily deceived. Confucius, despite the chaos in his hometown, continued to render his service and hoping that one day the people will be awaken of the negativity present their society.

The service that Confucius was rendering was the ideas in which was associated to the moral perspectives of the people. He was teaching them how to deal the trials in accordance to their morality. That the purpose of man is to grow in the society, performing all his duties rightfully without forsaking anyone. Confucius' Philosophy was to let man act in a way that he will be bearing fruit in which the whole society will be benefiting and not only few. His Philosophy was to create in them a perfect person in which the primary duty was to create another perfect man through educating them so that they will be of great servants of the community. He wanted them to be perfect, to be watchful of the things that would create chaos and disorder. In a smaller view, he wanted a person to slowly become a wise man full of ideas that he is living. Ideas and perspectives in which will not violate moral principles.

Analects 4:5

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I pondered upon Analect 4:5 which is part of the given topics for discussion.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

Confucius said, “Wealth and honor are what every man desires.  But if they have been obtained in violation of moral principles, they must not be kept.  Poverty and humble station are what every man dislikes.  But if they can be avoided only in violation of moral principles, they must not be avoided.  If a superior man departs from humanity, how can he fulfill that name?  A superior man never abandons humanity even for the lapse of a single meal.  In moments of haste, he acts according to it.  In times of difficulty or confusion, he acts according to it.”

Confucius' teachings, I have observed, are more on enriching the moral values of a person. It teaches us to be just and fair in dealing matters in this world. In this Analect, Confucius wanted to tell us that having material wealth and power is not bad but if it is achieved through unjust and unfair manner, then it is best that you have nothing but you are morally rich and powerful.

As what I have said/written, Confucius' teachings are focused on living with moral principles. It means that these moral principles are guides and reminders in living this material world. Living in this material world enables us to be with other people. To be able to accomplish and live according to the moral principles is through dealing with the world primarily with people. The middle part of the Analect teaches us that in fulfilling the moral principles, we must be with people because this is the "test" in which we can say at the end that we are morally rich because we had followed the moral principles despite the temptations. If one wants to be morally rich yet abandons humanity, then he/she cannot fulfill that goal because these moral principles are guides and reminders in dealing with the world and with people.

The last part of the statement reminds us to live with the world and with people and never forget about the moral principles which serves as guide and reminders for us. We have to live according to it despite the temptations, the doubts and confusions.

Analects 8:13

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I pondered upon Analect 8:13 which is part of the given topics for discussion.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In the said Analect, it stated,"Have sincere faith and love learning.", meaning you should always believe in that one supreme being which has pure and good intentions. And that you should love learning because in learning, one may find the Way or the Truth. In the succeeding texts it says, " Be not afraid to die for pursuing the good Way.  Do not enter a tottering state nor stay in a chaotic one". If you have an unwavering faith to the supreme being, then it is assumed that you too are of having good intentions to your kin and that you seek guidance that is why you ought to find and know the Way. When you have found that Way, then do not be afraid to live the Way, yet the Analect reminds you to not blurt out immediately what you have learned because people may have different views as oppose to yours  that which may result to conflict, rather it is telling you to slow down and take things easy. Let them understand what you are saying and living little by little to avoid chaos.  Next, "When the Way prevails in the empire, then show yourself; when it does not prevail, then hide". In this sense, the text is telling you that if the empire has known and acknowledged the Way, then do not be afraid to tell them what you have learned for you may contribute to the cultivation of the selves of others, but if the empire has not yet known and acknowledge the Way, then hide but hiding does not mean putting an end to what you've learned. It simply means that you have to take small steps in letting them realize and know the Way. Gather small group of people first. This kind of man is what the kind of man the first sentence simply reminds: A man who is faithful and has good intentions that by that good intention he ought to seek the truth that will guide him in facing the reality and in dealing other people.

"When the Way prevails in your own state and you are poor and in a humble position, be ashamed of yourself.  When the Way does not prevail in your state and you are wealthy and in an honorable position, be ashamed of yourself.” This last statement, I suppose, reminds you that the kind of man mentioned is the kind of man that the statement does not want you to be. This is the kind of man that is selfish, he does not want to share what he have known, he does not want shed enlightenment to others. this kind of man is contrary to the kind of man mentioned at the first sentence of the Analect because he wants to learn and he loved learning yet this desire and love for learning is rooted not by the purpose of enlightening others but for him to be above others.

As a whole, the Analect wanted us to be of pure intentions and seek the Way as an enlightenment towards self cultivation and cultivation for others. This cultivation of others though should not be taken abruptly because you might clash other ideas that might result to chaos instead, it reminds you to take it easy and smoothly because the Way will eventually reveal itself to others at the right time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Moral Role of the Government and Meditation as a Conflict Resolution Tool

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I read a little article entitled "The Perfectibility of Man and the Moral Role of the Government" and ended up comparing the government and government officials of the Confucian thought and the government and government officials of the Philippines.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In the said article, it first introduced the Confucian thought which is the perfectibility of man and how it can be achieved. The perfectibility of man has a great impact in setting a good example especially when one is sitting in a government office. It is said that government official's primary function is to educate and transform the people. This education and transformation of the people are towards becoming a "perfect man". In the Confucian state, the degree of morality was the test in which one person can be chosen in one office. Since the Confucian state is a moral state, then an official is said to resolve a problem or conflict through the means of meditation and not just application of rules that tells whether something is good or bad (according to the Confucian Political Theory). This kind of system does not let the people solely rely on their human intelligence rather it teaches them to seek enlightenment to the most powerful one.

The Confucian political system is a good type of political system since it recognizes that there is one being higher than man that is more powerful than the people running it, yet it is a bad type of political system since it rely solely on that supreme being letting the being enlighten them in resolving such problems or conflicts. The problem in the meditation and enlightenment is that no one can really be sure if that official has the right and exact solution to the problem. An example problem would be that a nearby city will be conquering my city and the general said that he was enlightened through his meditation that in this mountain, it would be the most strategic technique to kill the enemy since you can see all of them coming. Now if the soldiers obey the general, how sure are them that the general is really after their safety? What if the enemy will pass on the back of their position point? So clearly, meditation has a negative impact on the Confucian political system thus making the system itself have a negative impact on the society.

Another reason why the Confucian political system is a good system is that they choose their leaders according to their moral qualities. For me, the moral qualities of a person cannot be faked for the sake of winning one government office because the real sense of the self will prevail in the course of time. If the moral qualities would be the standard in choosing a government official, then it will be assured that he/she would be for the betterment of the society since the moral attitude cannot be faked. In the regards to the political system of the Philippines, choosing political leaders are based on the popularity of these candidates making the people not see if he/she has the capacity to rule and govern the people properly and to not desire self interest. So, the way of Confucian political system choose their leaders is a good way making the system good.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Introduction to Confucian Thought

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I pondered upon the nature of man as social being as one of the subfocus of Confucian thinking.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In Confucian Philosophy, there is a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos(heaven). I would focus on the harmony between men in order to create a harmonious linkage towards nature, and cosmos.

Now, it is said that to complete the natural order, each component must also be in order. With the case of men, it was said that man is a social being, meaning each men has is given multiple roles to play and each must be done and satisfied accordingly in order to not create chaos among men. There are five fundamental relationships that are present in the society namely, sovereign-subject; husband-wife; parent-child; elder brother- younger brother; friend-friend. In the Confucian concept of human relations, it is said that there must be a mutual relationship between the two. If one or the two accomplishes their given roles, they nurture the highest value which is the "humaness" or the sense of relatedness of one person to the others making them continue the harmony of the national order.

If man is indeed a social being, then he/she is to comply with the mentioned relationships. In the Confucian Philosophy, order in the society and government is observed that if any of this is disrupted, like the disobedience of man to comply with the given role, then it will affect the order of the society and the government that will later on have an effect on the natural order of the universe. Therefore, the harmony of the natural order of the universe depends on the faithfulness of the man in complying the roles given which is being truthful to its relationships.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Social Disorder

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

For today, I tried to ponder on the discussion earlier about the social disorder.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In earlier's discussion about social disorder, I remembered the quotation that said "The problems before are still a problem today". The problems that was faced by Confucius' time like the increasing poverty of peasants despite their overtime work and political disorder are still present today. For example, the increasing poverty rate despite the overtime work, in our country, the most tiresome work like farming gets low income compared to office workers. In the Ancient China, the ones in position are the one who takes all the income worked hard by the farmers, for example, yet what they only do is supervise the work and count the earned money. During the Spanish era here in the Philippines, those farmers even do not receive the right amount or any amount as payment. This problem is also evident in today's economic situation. Offices and other establishments follow the minimum wage set by the government which do not create much injustice, but those works related to farming are different. Landowners tries to take advantage of their workers by decreasing their wages and even delaying it. Worst cases are these farmers are only given goods that do not really equate to their allotted or minimum wages. Even if these workers work 24/7, with the presence of their greedy landowner, the poverty rate will really continue to increase.

In the issue of political disorder, I would tackle more on the so-called "political dynasty". In the ancient times, those families who are of noble kind has the privilege to hold a certain office and these government servers may also be of the same family creating a political dynasty. Some of the noble persons like Confucius may be removed from the office of he may not be part of the family. This is still present today but these families are more greedy of power that even though they are not capable of seating in a high position, because of their family name, they are and will be good for the society. These greedy men will ought to replace the real noble men just for power to remain in them.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Analect 1:1

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

At this moment, I tried to understand Analect 1:1 as a start of understanding Chinese Philosophy itself.

What idea did you encounter that turned out to be meaningful?

As I tried to research the meaning of this analect, Confucius is trying to tell that everyone can be a junzi or a noble man, superior man, authentic man. But what does it mean by noble act? According to Aristotle, a noblest act is when things are done for the for the most beautiful reason possible. According to Nietzsche, he based nobility to individual achievement. Although these two said differently, there is one thing in common, they define nobility as a tool to have a good and better future. That it leads a person to a healthy life which enables him/her to act the role assigned in order to create harmony in the society. And this is the ideal person according to Confucius, a good person.

In my understanding, Confucius is trying to say that ranks and high positions are not important. Social status must not be the primary concern of the people, rather self-cultivation, self-enriching for them to function well in the society. Recognition comes after doing the said things.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Wedding Banquet

What did you do for Chinese Philosophy today?

For today's post, I watched the last part of the movie The Wedding Banquet which was one of the supplementary materials given in understanding the course.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In our Philosophy of the Human Person class, there was an idea presented that the thinking ability of males are greater than women. Another idea that was brought up is that women do not argue with solid and valid arguments. It was said that women reason out using their feelings making them irrational therefore, based on the given definition that in order to determine a human person is through its ability to rationalize (not the real and valid definition as the defining of the word "Human Person" was part of the quiz), women are not considered a human person.

In relation to the movie, I am some sort of enlightened that truly male thinking is higher than of women thinking. I got this idea in the part where both of the parents can't speak English and they lived with their son which was living in America. On Simon's birthday, he got shocked when the father spoke English and when asked how he learned it, he said he listens and he learns. Although the case may not be the same with every male there is still this fact that in the little time he spent there he was able to speak and understand English. Also in connection to the second idea, I can say that men do not let their emotions and feelings overcome their reasoning. In Chinese tradition, it was so important in the family to have a son in order to continue the family's legacy. Upon knowing that his son was gay, the father did not let his disappointment to cause him to disown his son, rather he thought of other reasons to why his son turned gay and to why his son did not tell him. These reasoning, maybe, was the reason why he learned or is in the process of learning to accept his son's decision. In the part of the mother, when her daughter-in-law decided to abort the child, she used her feelings and emotions as arguments to convince her not to continue with the plan. In this case, the mother was not being reasonable but it does not mean that she is irrational. Women think rationally and as what I have said or written, the mother's case may not be the same with all the other mothers and with all the women. Ones unreasonable argument should not be used to generalize the people of her kind. Also, the rationality of a person is not the only basis in calling someone a human person.

I am still not finished in watching the movie but in the little episodes that I was able to see, those were the insights that came.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Analects 12:5

What did you do for Chinese Philosophy today?

Today I came to read Analects 12:5 which talks about a superior man having all men in the world as his brothers if he is righteous and respectful in any ways.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In understanding the given text, I researched a little about Chinese tradition and I can observe that the Chinese are very much concern about having a  good name in the society. They will do everything just to be called "righteous" and earn the respect of everyone. Also, the Chinese pay high respects to men. The said Analects, I say, is very sexist that it only referred or used only the word "men". This is one proof that Chinese are bound again to their tradition that having a son will bring luck to the family therefore they prefer having them instead of daughters. Although I am not certain that in the making of that Analects, Confucius meant for the whole humanity and not only to men.

This insight made me think that maybe the Chinese Philosophy will be all about the ideas and thoughts of men. It may also be the same with the Western Philosophy that most, if not all, of the prevailing philosophers are men. And if that is the case, then why is there no record of a great woman philosopher? Does this imply that women do not have the ability in creating and expounding their own philosophies just like men?

The answers to these questions are not yet answered and I am still looking for it. I am also trying to understand the nature of thinking or philosophizing just like a real philosopher.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Joy Luck Club

What did you do for Chinese Philosophy today?

For today, I downloaded the movie The Joy Luck Club and use what I have observed and learned from the movie as a basis for my first blog post and and an introductory or supplementary film as I am about to know how Chinese people think and live.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In the movie, the stories of the Chinese women were a picture of the different problems traditional Chinese daughters, wives and mothers face. First Problem shown is that the inferiority of women. It can easily be observed in the movie that women in the Chinese culture are subordinate to their husbands and that they do not have the right to speak up and contradict their decisions. It was evident that wives must pay high respects to their Husbands thus they have to remain silent and obedient to their husbands as what is expected to every Chinese wife. Second is that they pay much respect to their ancestors and dead people that it sometimes dictate what their future actions will be. This kind conduct can be linked similarly to that of the paying high respects of the Catholics to their Saints. Catholics asks help to these saints so that they will be with delivered from evil and their sins may be forgiven. All of these in the hope that after they die, they will be in a state of peace. The same case as with the Chinese that they worship their ancestors because they believe that they influence their afterlife. The only difference is that the Saints of the Catholics do not dictate what they have to do. They believe that they are already souls and can never have affect the lives of the living unlike in the Chinese, they believe that their ancestors has the ability to affect the fortune of the living. To sum the two problems, Chinese hold on too much to their tradition. Even the new generation of the Chinese women were enacting the traditional roles of wives and daughters. They did not also spoke up and only did what pleased their husband and the other family members. They, especially the main character, clinged to that belief that the dead can affect the future actions of the living. Last problem is that because of traditional role of women, the native Chinese mothers raised their children in a manner differently, maybe not entirely everything, from the Chinese culture because they hoped that these daughters of theirs may not have the same future or may not end up like them, voiceless in the family. They all wanted their daughters to exercise the privilege of standing up for themselves and speaking up what they have in mind and to not just merely obey what others dictates them to do. All these ideas helped me in having a glimpse of the rich Chinese tradition that may use as a support in knowing how Chinese Philosophers think.