Thursday, November 20, 2014

Analects 8:13

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I pondered upon Analect 8:13 which is part of the given topics for discussion.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In the said Analect, it stated,"Have sincere faith and love learning.", meaning you should always believe in that one supreme being which has pure and good intentions. And that you should love learning because in learning, one may find the Way or the Truth. In the succeeding texts it says, " Be not afraid to die for pursuing the good Way.  Do not enter a tottering state nor stay in a chaotic one". If you have an unwavering faith to the supreme being, then it is assumed that you too are of having good intentions to your kin and that you seek guidance that is why you ought to find and know the Way. When you have found that Way, then do not be afraid to live the Way, yet the Analect reminds you to not blurt out immediately what you have learned because people may have different views as oppose to yours  that which may result to conflict, rather it is telling you to slow down and take things easy. Let them understand what you are saying and living little by little to avoid chaos.  Next, "When the Way prevails in the empire, then show yourself; when it does not prevail, then hide". In this sense, the text is telling you that if the empire has known and acknowledged the Way, then do not be afraid to tell them what you have learned for you may contribute to the cultivation of the selves of others, but if the empire has not yet known and acknowledge the Way, then hide but hiding does not mean putting an end to what you've learned. It simply means that you have to take small steps in letting them realize and know the Way. Gather small group of people first. This kind of man is what the kind of man the first sentence simply reminds: A man who is faithful and has good intentions that by that good intention he ought to seek the truth that will guide him in facing the reality and in dealing other people.

"When the Way prevails in your own state and you are poor and in a humble position, be ashamed of yourself.  When the Way does not prevail in your state and you are wealthy and in an honorable position, be ashamed of yourself.” This last statement, I suppose, reminds you that the kind of man mentioned is the kind of man that the statement does not want you to be. This is the kind of man that is selfish, he does not want to share what he have known, he does not want shed enlightenment to others. this kind of man is contrary to the kind of man mentioned at the first sentence of the Analect because he wants to learn and he loved learning yet this desire and love for learning is rooted not by the purpose of enlightening others but for him to be above others.

As a whole, the Analect wanted us to be of pure intentions and seek the Way as an enlightenment towards self cultivation and cultivation for others. This cultivation of others though should not be taken abruptly because you might clash other ideas that might result to chaos instead, it reminds you to take it easy and smoothly because the Way will eventually reveal itself to others at the right time.

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