Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Analects 12:5

What did you do for Chinese Philosophy today?

Today I came to read Analects 12:5 which talks about a superior man having all men in the world as his brothers if he is righteous and respectful in any ways.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In understanding the given text, I researched a little about Chinese tradition and I can observe that the Chinese are very much concern about having a  good name in the society. They will do everything just to be called "righteous" and earn the respect of everyone. Also, the Chinese pay high respects to men. The said Analects, I say, is very sexist that it only referred or used only the word "men". This is one proof that Chinese are bound again to their tradition that having a son will bring luck to the family therefore they prefer having them instead of daughters. Although I am not certain that in the making of that Analects, Confucius meant for the whole humanity and not only to men.

This insight made me think that maybe the Chinese Philosophy will be all about the ideas and thoughts of men. It may also be the same with the Western Philosophy that most, if not all, of the prevailing philosophers are men. And if that is the case, then why is there no record of a great woman philosopher? Does this imply that women do not have the ability in creating and expounding their own philosophies just like men?

The answers to these questions are not yet answered and I am still looking for it. I am also trying to understand the nature of thinking or philosophizing just like a real philosopher.

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