Thursday, November 20, 2014

Synthesis Paper 1.A

What is Philosophy as demonstrated in Ancient Chinese Philosophy by Confucius in the way he perceives the philosophical problem?

Before I discuss my view about Confucius' Philosophy, I will first discuss some terms. First, I understand the word Philosophy as a way of life in which it exercises the intellectual and spiritual aspect of a human being. Second, the philosophical problem that was meant here is the problem of social disorder which is rooted from incorrect use of names.

Confucius stated that the social disorder started from the government down to economic and religious aspect. In the discussion, it was mentioned that the insensitivity of the people to recognize the problem in their society was due to the incorrect use of names and beings which led them to be easily deceived. Confucius, despite the chaos in his hometown, continued to render his service and hoping that one day the people will be awaken of the negativity present their society.

The service that Confucius was rendering was the ideas in which was associated to the moral perspectives of the people. He was teaching them how to deal the trials in accordance to their morality. That the purpose of man is to grow in the society, performing all his duties rightfully without forsaking anyone. Confucius' Philosophy was to let man act in a way that he will be bearing fruit in which the whole society will be benefiting and not only few. His Philosophy was to create in them a perfect person in which the primary duty was to create another perfect man through educating them so that they will be of great servants of the community. He wanted them to be perfect, to be watchful of the things that would create chaos and disorder. In a smaller view, he wanted a person to slowly become a wise man full of ideas that he is living. Ideas and perspectives in which will not violate moral principles.

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