Monday, November 17, 2014

Introduction to Confucian Thought

What did you do for Ancient Chinese Philosophy today?

Today, I pondered upon the nature of man as social being as one of the subfocus of Confucian thinking.

What idea did you encounter that turned out meaningful?

In Confucian Philosophy, there is a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos(heaven). I would focus on the harmony between men in order to create a harmonious linkage towards nature, and cosmos.

Now, it is said that to complete the natural order, each component must also be in order. With the case of men, it was said that man is a social being, meaning each men has is given multiple roles to play and each must be done and satisfied accordingly in order to not create chaos among men. There are five fundamental relationships that are present in the society namely, sovereign-subject; husband-wife; parent-child; elder brother- younger brother; friend-friend. In the Confucian concept of human relations, it is said that there must be a mutual relationship between the two. If one or the two accomplishes their given roles, they nurture the highest value which is the "humaness" or the sense of relatedness of one person to the others making them continue the harmony of the national order.

If man is indeed a social being, then he/she is to comply with the mentioned relationships. In the Confucian Philosophy, order in the society and government is observed that if any of this is disrupted, like the disobedience of man to comply with the given role, then it will affect the order of the society and the government that will later on have an effect on the natural order of the universe. Therefore, the harmony of the natural order of the universe depends on the faithfulness of the man in complying the roles given which is being truthful to its relationships.

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