Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tao Te Ching, 8

The best (man) is like water. Water is good; it benefits all things and does not compete with them. It dwells in (lowly) places that all disdain. This is why it is so near to Tao.
(The best man) in his dwelling loves the earth. In his heart, he loves what is profound. In his associations, he loves humanity. In his words, he loves faithfulness.
In government, he loves order. In handling affairs, he loves competence. In his activities, he loves timeliness.
It is because he does not compete that he is without reproach. 
(Tao Te Ching, 8)

Today, I would try to interpret the above text which is translated by Wing-Tsit Chan.

If a man is to the best, he must not take the other men as his competitors. He must know that he is as equal as them and they are not in a competition here. He is living for himself. The best man is a man who does not seek for anything. He loves what and where he is right at the moment. He does not desire to be someone great. He lives with sincerity of his actions.

In the above text, a  best man is likened to water, he is someone who lowers his self down. He does not boast his self. he does what he needs to do without looking or seeking for anything in return. He lives his life simply. Just like water, he is calm, thus there is no problem unsolved. His impartiality makes him loved by everyone.

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