Friday, February 20, 2015

Tao Te Ching, 32

Tao is eternal and has no name.
Though its simplicity seems insignificant, none in the world can master it.
If kings and barons would hold on to it, all things would submit to them spontaneously.
Heaven and earth unite to drip sweet dew.
Without the command of men, it drips evenly over all.
As soon as there were regulations and institutions, there were names (differentiation of things).
As soon as there are names, know that it is time to stop.
It is by knowing when to stop that one can be free from danger.
Analogically, Tao in the world (where everything is embraced by it), may be compared to rivers and streams running into the sea.
(Tao Te Ching, 32)

Today, I would try to interpret the above text from the tropic " Government of Non-Interference ".

In the above text, it can be understood that there is a great emphasis on knowing the Tao. With the Tao, all things may be possible. When a ruler knows the Tao and holds on to it, all his men will follow him and his plans will happen.

The nature of the Tao can also be understood from the text. First nature is that the Tao is hard to be known. It is seemingly insignificant to the world and it is simple in its form that is why it is hard to recognize. Because it is hard to recognize, next nature is that it could not be mastered. No one can fully grasp the nature of the Tao because it is hard to be known. Next nature is that it does not have a name. The word "Tao" is only assigned to have a specification but it really is not its name as the Tao does not assign names. According to Lao Tzu, having names only distinguishes things from other things thus making conflicts between it. Last nature is that the Tao learns when to stop. The stop that is meant here is the pausing and maybe ending of learning things that is in the world. It is stopping the self from striving hard, creating things that only worsen the situation of humankind.

When a person had known the Tao and held on it, all his worries about his life will be gone as he learns how to overcome by the way it has to be, the way of the Tao. All things that may happen in his life will come naturally and spontaneously. He will learn on how to accept the reality of events in his life and on how to deal with them under the influence of the Tao.

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