Monday, February 16, 2015

Synthesis Paper 2.C

What is Philosophy as demonstrated in Ancient Chinese Philosophy by Lao Tzu in the way he characterizes the sage?

Philosophy, as demonstrated by Lao Tzu in the way he characterizes the sage, is reflecting one’s character. It means that one should know the self and what it is capable of doing. Aside from it, reflecting means that it is done by the self even if no one is watching.

In order for one to know the self, Lao Tzu said that one should reflect on the self. Reflection here is to be detached from the demands of humanity and focus more on the demands of nature. This is to say that the person should find the core or the roots of his self. He should be more attentive on the things he claims to know and the way he lives his life. Reflecting is examining whether the self has accord to the ways of nature or to the ways of man.

Taoism says that one should follow the ways of nature and in order to know whether the person has followed it, he should at least empty his self of the things he knows from humanity. Meaning he should unlearn the ways of humanity which is always fast tracking things and pretending to be someone or somebody he is not. By the way of unlearning, the person will see the bigger picture other than humanity which is the universe. He then sees the how nature works which is being steady and stable. According to Lao Tzu, the way to the Tao is to practice the way of nature, so when one has found the ways of nature, he should live in relation to it.

Since the person has followed the ways of nature and that he has detached his self from the ways of humanity, he learns or understands better the things that are essential to him. He keeps everything which is important and throws out the unnecessary.

Aside from knowing the ways of the nature and recognizing the more valuable things, another thing that reflection does to the person is being aware of his capabilities. This is to say that through reflection, he has come to know his strengths and weaknesses. Since the person is following the ways of nature, he does what he is capable of doing in the way it must be. He does not boast what he can do and does not call the attention of the people. The person is efficient in doing the things he ought to do. He isn’t anymore fascinated with the things in the human world. He knows himself very well that he knows what he needs.

The person who is following the ways of nature acts on the things he needs to do. One of the characteristic of nature is that, as what I have indicated above, does not boast its self and do not call for any attention. Therefore, the person following the ways of nature does not also boas itself. Because of this, he is more efficient in doing his tasks. He lets everything else flow naturally the way it is. He is not mindful of the people that might see him and so the people are also not mindful of him.

Philosophy then in this case is reflecting one’s character. This means that one should go back to his roots and follow its ways. In this case, it is following the ways of nature. When one has found his roots, he would have a deeper understanding of his self and he will better know his abilities. One characteristic of nature is that it does not broadcast itself. It does not set itself in the foreground so that everybody will know. It is humble and acts the way it should be. The person, following the nature is and should also be humble. He should do what he needs to do even if no one is watching him.

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