Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Revised S1.A

What is Philosophy as demonstrated in Ancient Chinese Philosophy by Confucius in the way he perceives the philosophical problem?

Confucius Philosophy is about being alert at all times. This is to say that a person must be conscious on what is happening in his surroundings.

A person must be aware of the different conditions that his society is facing. In this way, he can then spot the problem. Spotting the problem can be hard especially when one does not know what is right. Confucius is saying that the right thing to do is something that is in accordance to the Way or the truth. He reveals that the problem here is the different disorders in the society, may it be political, economic, religious, etc. People are drawn out of the Way because of this.  He stated in his example that the people do no longer care about what is right and true, in his political disorder example, the noble men are in conflict with one another. They even kill the others who are threat to them gaining powers. In here, Confucius saw how these people are being affected by the worldly things and do all that can let them have the worldly material. These people forgot about being right. This is what he does not want us to be. The root of the social disorders, as Confucius said, is the incorrect use of names. When one thing or person does not act or function in accordance to the given name, confusion rises. When the confusion continues, conflict will also get bigger and bigger.

The incorrect use of names was because of the absence of knowing what is right. When one knows what is right, then he will act in accordance to it. When one knows what is right, then he knows the right thing to do and that is to act in accordance to the name given to him.

Spotting the problem and acting in accordance to the name given is an indicator that a person is alert and that he knows what is happening in his society. The man knows what is right thus he do not live his life dependent on the worldly things. These things for him are all temporary and the permanent thing is knowing what is right and keeping track of the Way. He does not let himself be swayed by the worldly pleasures.

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