Thursday, December 18, 2014

Synthesis Paper 1.D

What is Philosophy as demonstrated in Ancient Chinese Philosophy by Confucius in the way he lays out of the steps of self-cultivation?

The Philosophy as demonstrated by Confucius is something that deals with ethics or morality. Confucius is focusing on cultivating a person to be morally principled all throughout the persons life. If the person is with morality, he will then know what is good and bad, so he will be well guided in knowing what to do when certain situations confront him.

Morality is the quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct or a system of ideas that fall into those same categories (i). Meaning a person with morality is perceived to be a man who is good and this quality is what Confucius wanted to have in every person to be able to achieve unity within the society.

The unity in the society can only happen if the people are working together. The people cannot work together if they are against morality or goodness. If a person is against goodness, then he will not work with the group because he has a better agenda that is meant for the self. Goodness is not meant for the self only but also for the others. Therefore, morality has to develop in the self first. The development of the sense of goodness in a person can only happen if he is open to be good. He must first know what he aims to be and sticks his mind to be it. A man who aims to be ethical should develop the habit of being ethical. This is to say that he must form a habit of being good and stick to it. The habit of being good, however doesn't just apply to your actions but also to your thoughts.  The actions and thought must coincide with one another to practice being good both in actions and in though. The two must also be done even if no one is watching. The goodness that a person has doesn't apply to selected days but a person must be consistent upon the thinking and acting of goodness.

To be a man of morality needs constant acting and thinking of goodness. Confucius Philosophy deals with ethics or morality. It is what is perceived to be good. For me, Confucius wanted a person to be morally principled to be able to distinguish what is right and wrong. Then to be able to follow what is morally good. When one has chosen goodness, it will be easier for him to help in the society because his thinking is for the betterment of their state. When his thinking will be the same as the others then it would really bring unity to the people which will be a tool to achieve something greater.



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